Delta Amateur Radio Club, KN6YCX

Serving amateur radio in Eastern Contra Costa County, CA, US.

Includes the cities of Bay Point, Pittsburg, Antioch, Oakley, Bethel Island, Knightsen, Brentwood, Discovery Bay & Byron.

We are just north of Mt Diablo. Everyone, is welcome to join.

Mt Diablo rises to 3849 feet

“I have made surprising connections

that I never expected.” 


Every Wednesday at 8PM we hold our club net on the W6CX repeater system
on 147.060 MHz (+600 kHz offset, PL 100 Hz).

Every Thursday at 7:00 PM on 146.535 MHz simplex is the Contra Costa County Emergency Communications Net. East County check-ins are reported at 7:20 on the WA6HAM repeater.
on 147.735 MHz (-600 kHz offset, PL 107.2 Hz) or the other two linked frequencies.

Every Last Thursday of the month at 7:15 PM we hold hybrid meetings in person and on

Antioch Veterans Hall

403 West 6th Street, Antioch