DARC Net Control


QST QST QST. Good evening, everyone, this is ___________ (call sign). Welcome to the Delta Amateur Radio Club weekly net. My name is ______________ and I’m in _____________ (QTH).

This net meets at 2000 hours local time each Wednesday evening on the W6CX repeater (147.060 MHz). The Delta Amateur Radio club is located in the east section of Contra Costa County.

This is a directed net. Use “Break” for priority traffic and “Break-Break” for emergency traffic. Emergency or priority traffic can interrupt the net at any time!
Are there any mobile stations who would like to check in now?
This is ______________ (call Sign), net control. Member station roll call follows:

KA6 BJS , Benjo
K6 CBK , Grant
KF6 DCH , Terry
KO6 DKB , Donald
KG6 GGT , Bret
KN6 IJY , Mona
W6 JFA , Johnny
KB6 LFM , Bill
KI6 LNB , Larry
W6 MEW , Mike
K6 MRP , Michael
KM6 QLB , Vince
AI6 R , Dennis
KD6 RDD , Craig
N6 RIO , John
KG6 SGV , Vince
KM6 SJO , Spencer
K6 SOE , Jim
KN6 SQ , John
KN6 TAL , Autrey
W6 TLB , Elmor
AH0 U , Bruce
WA6 VAQ , Peter
KN6 WFH , Subbu
KN6 YHY , Paul
KN6 ZBX , Russell
AC6 ZZ , Don

That completes the list. Are there any late or missed members?
Visitors are always welcome on the net and at monthly meetings. Are there any visitors to the net?
This is ________________ (call sign), net control for the Delta Amateur Radio Club weekly net. Thank you for checking in tonight. First, we’ll have the club report:

(Call for the President by name and call sign)
(If the President is not on the net, make up your own report.)

Are there any more announcements for tonight’s net?

The next in person meeting of the Delta Amateur Radio Club will be on Thursday, ____________ (date – the last Thursday of the month) at 7:15 pm. Meetings will be in the Antioch Veterans Hall located at 403 West 6th Street. Parking is available behind the Veterans Hall.

Is there any swap shop traffic, amateur related only?

Membership information about the Delta Amateur Radio Club is on our website, www.darc.club.
If there is no further traffic, this net of the Delta Amateur Radio Club is now closed.
This is ___________ (call sign) out.
1 May 2024